She spilled the beans to BeautyHigh.com about a few of her fav beauty buys!
"I use MAC, I use some COVERGIRL, I think I mix high and low. And keep it simple, ladies. Mascara, foundation, lip gloss, that's good."
"MAC has great shades for brown, and different shades of color for women of color."
"First of all, I love Duane Reade, I could be in there all day. I love mascaras – Maybelline's. I love COVERGIRL Amazemint No Care Bear lip gloss. There are so many things that you can find in a store that you don't have to go to a department store and spend a ridiculous amount of money on"

When asked about her luscious tresses, which she wears like a crown in all its glory, she responds
"I have been using this Pantene product that is sulfate free. The Body Shop has one that they are going to give to me so I can try it. I don't know what sulfate does to your hair, it just lays it down, but I can tell you my hair has never felt lighter, or shinier ever. So I continue to use this product."

Absolutely Gorgeous... can't wait to see what the future holds for her (Raina Thorpe) love triangle with Nate Archibald and Chuck Bass!!!!!
i like it so lovely girl mercie xoxo