Saturday, 25 September 2010

To Yoga, Or Not To Yoga....That Is The Question?

Stressed? Can't shift that extra weight? or maybe you need change from your regular but-busting workouts! Yoga is definitely for you then!

Touted for its stress-reduction prowess, it's therapeutic techniques teaches you to fine tune your mind and body. Through controlled breathing and stretching you'll become more aware of your body's posture and alignment, increasing your flexibility whilst lengthening and toning muscles. By just taking a mere 15-30 minutes of your day to practice positions, its a great way to rejuvenate your body and ensure weight loss!

Make it an integral part of your lifestyle!

5 steps to starting Yoga exercise

1. Focus on a yoga type that suits your body-type and goals
2. Look out for recommended yoga classes or Dvd's before you D.I.Y!
3. Get the right equipment
4. Make sure you warm-up!

A Few Poses:

Twist Yoga Poses - Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)Half Spinal Twist
If done properly, the Half Spinal Twist lengthens and
strengthens the spine. It is also beneficial for your liver, kidneys,
as well as adrenal glands.
Practice this Yoga Pose under the supervision of a Yoga instructor.

Standing Poses - Warrior Pose II (Virabhadrasana II)Warrior Pose II
This posture strengthens your legs, back, shoulders,
and arms, building stamina. It opens your hips and chest,
and improves balance. It is called the Warrior in reference
to the fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva.

Backbends - Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)Cobra Pose
This Yoga Pose improves spinal flexibility and strengthens
the muscles in the arms and back. In addition, it is effective
in relieving menstrual irregularities and constipation.

Seated Poses - Spread Leg Forward Fold (Upavista Konasana)Spread Leg Forward Fold
The Spread Leg Forward Fold is a Yoga Posture which works
primarily on the hamstrings and adductors.
This energizes the body and promotes inner calmness.

Standing Poses - Crescent Moon PoseCrescent Moon Pose
The Crescent Moon Pose stretches and strengthens
the arms and legs, increases stamina, improves balance and
concentration, and can also relieve backaches.
If you are suffering from diarrhea, high blood pressure
or neck problems, you should take extra caution practicing this pose.

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