As women we sometimes charge through life trying to be 'Superwomen', neglecting to nurse the blows to our self-esteem. Overtime these issues become apparent, as our behaviour influences the way others see us. So to be reckoned as a fierce and fabulous force daily, follow these 3 confidence boosting rules by Yahoo Shine.
1. "Set yourself an achievable goal"

2."What does Confidence look like?"
Think of people who exude confidence. Whether it be Michelle Obama, Cheryl Cole or your boss. Let these 'confidence models' show you how its done, and fig
ure out what makes them so appealing from their strut, to the way they sit and speak. Watch carefully and do as they do! Emulating their strengths fusing it with your own personal flare. Study the best and be the best!
3. "Fake it till you make it"
Practice does make perfect. By putting yourself out there, being motivated and confident in usually intimidating situations, you'll at some point forget you were unsure, drop the act and embody true self confidence. Whether you faked it at first or not, the end results the same..... SUCCESS!

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