1. Simplicity
Appreciate the simple things of life. Unwinding and reflecting on what's important can keep you level headed and focused for greater success.
2. Be Yourself
Stay true to your own ...whether it be personal style or your personality. Your more like to shine when your comfortable in your own skin!
3. Smieyez!
Smile with your eyes, theTyra Banks famous catchphrase is about expressing emotion and increasing the power of your connections with people. So let your radiant inner glow attract a flock of followers!
4.Follow your Passion
You're more likely to succeed in life in you do what you love! be

passionate about your craft, whether it be speaking, writing or fashion and let it soar you to unimaginable heights!
5.Reinvent Yourself
Out with the old and in with the new! Time for a mental makeover or a closet clean out, style is forever changing so will your position in life so take your first steps to feeling re-energised, rejuvenated and refocused.
6. The Show must go on
Don't let the stumble on the catwalk of life hinder your journey, like all the greats get back on your feet, dust yourself off and strut your stuff!
7. Breaking the Mould!
If your ever gonna make it big, you gotta take risks. 14 year old fashion blogger Tavi Gevison, is
testament to that! No matter how big your obstacles look, push through and you make it to thetop. Those who break through break the rules says

8. Expect the Unexpected
Preparation is key to 'Fabulousity'....as Kimora Lee Simons would say. Be ready for any opportunity you wouldn't want to pass you by, and when it does comes knocking at your door, you'll take it in your stride...with your fav heels on!
9. Life's to Short
Carpe Diem! life's way to short to be seconding guessing, and worrying what other's make think. Seize the day when great opportunities come your way, and if they don't work out... oh well at least you tried, and you've got a head's up of what to do next time around!
10. Commit
What ever you set your heart on, whether it be a new hair do, a job or a diet, stick to it 100%. You'll def reap the rewards of sweet success, if you commit to it and don't give up!